Beyond grain bins, Chief builds up rural communities

Beyond grain bins, Chief builds up rural communities

Chief. If you’re a farmer, the mere utterance of the name brings to mind images of shiny, metallic, galvanized steel in the farmyard. However, if you live in Grand Island, Neb., it may conjure images of brick and glass. If you’re from Aurora, Neb., you may recall...
Fleets find success building driver-centric culture

Fleets find success building driver-centric culture

In today’s climate, driver capacity concerns and retention remain top of mind for commercial fleets. Here’s a look at how three very different fleets have been able to maintain a quality workplace and environment for their drivers. Recruiting and retaining...
Chief Carriers Named Best Fleet to Drive For in 2021

Chief Carriers Named Best Fleet to Drive For in 2021

Chief Carriers Named Best Fleet to Drive For in 2021 Twenty fleets have been recognized by The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) in the 2021 Best Fleets to Drive For program. This program identifies trends, shares best practices, and publicly recognizes the...